Category: Lake

  • Recycled Glass Tile Backsplash Installation

    With glass tile becoming more popular the use of it in bathrooms, pools and on back splashes I have seen quite an increase of installations over the years here in Tampa, Florida. Glass tile is pretty much endless in colors, sizes and shapes. There is a wide variety of glass tile finishes to choose from…

  • A Moldy Situation – Info on Mold

    * This safety article was sent to me and used with permission from a well respected tile contractor I know. With me being a Tile Contractor in Florida I know how bad mold is from seeing it in so many failed showers we replace here. This article has good info on it and I think…

  • What to look for when hiring a Tile Contractor in Tampa, Florida

    I have recently came across a lot of homeowners here in Florida only looking at the bottom dollar amount when hiring a flooring contractor. Would you rather spend $2000 and it may last a year, or spend $3500 and get a lifetime of enjoyment out of your purchase? You would be wise to do your…