Interior Dry Stacked Stone Veneer Accent Wall
Had a customer call me from Brandon, Florida that wanted to have manufactured stone installed on an accent wall in his home. He owned a recording studio and wanted to use the stone as a sound buffer as well as a nice looking accent wall in the studio. We set up an appointment for a…
Travertine Herringbone Paver Pool Deck
A customer in New Tampa, Florida we did a previous tile project for gave us a call and wanted us to update their pool deck & lanai. They had looked at colored concrete pavers in different sizes and colors and had some samples at the home when I went over to measure upĀ for the…
Thin Stacked Stone Veneer In Florida
We were referred to a customer in Sarasota, Florida by another client we did a thin stone veneer job for in the Tampa Bay area. They were looking to add some elegance to their recently built 5 year old home in a nice development. Some of the other homes already had a stone veneer but…
Florida Exterior Tile Deck Leak Failure
We looked at a job a few weeks ago. Deck over occupied space. Slate tile on a pitched to a center drain, not so good. Owner said water puddled in a few area’s and to the right of the drain, but that wasn’t the main problem…………… Seems like the builder had some not so good…